Our basic fundamental view
We strongly believe that the commercial benefits of an organization as well as the personal benefits of an individual can and should also be socially responsible in order to affect and positively influence and benefit the society, the planet and every life form in it.

Jan Driegen
Board member
Born: 1951
Situated: in the Netherlands
BSC: in agriculture and real estate
Title: Agronomist & Nutritionalist
Occupation: Expert biogas consultant of process & technology
Expertise: Farming, Feeding, Composting and Anaerobic Digestion
Experience: Western Europe large scale (organic) farming-management, Waste and agro byproducts treatment since 1982, Development and Realization of installations
Board member: AllOptimal BV

John D.M. Koppies
Chairman of the Board
Born: 1951
Situated: in the Netherlands
Title: Master in economics: macro-economics and trade, public finance & business development
Occupation: Economist
Expertise: Market research, Financial expert, Analyzing economic and social developments, Business development
Experience: Entrepreneur, Founder, Business development & Board member
Founder: Koppies Consult “Port Strategy Consultants” BV
Chairman: Koppies Consult BV, AllOptimal BV
Board member: